Modest Mussorgsky



One of the great talents of Modest Musorgsky (1839–1881) was his unique ability to transpose words, psychological states and even physical move- ments into music. And even if he left his opera “Khovanshchina“ (The Khovan- sky Affair) incomplete and unorchestrated, the sheer theatricality of its musical text reveals the presence of a work that begs for a stage production. The first completion and orchestration was made by Musorgsky‘s contemporary Rimsky- Korsakov, but the more slender, powerful, raw orchestration made by Dmitri Shostakovich in 1960 is the one preferred today, and the version chosen by Kent Nagano for the Munich production recorded here.




3 hours 3 minutes with one intermission

Act 1

106 min


10 min

Act 2

66 min




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